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Trademark Class 35 in India: Everything You Need to Know

Certainly! Trademark Class 35 is a specific classification under the Nice Classification system, which is an international classification of goods and services used for the registration of trademarks. Class 35 covers a wide range of services related to advertising, business management, and office functions. Here’s a detailed guide focused on Trademark Class 35:

Overview of Trademark Class 35:

Trademark Class 35 primarily includes services related to advertising, business management, and office functions. It encompasses a broad spectrum of commercial activities aimed at promoting and managing businesses, both online and offline.

Services Included in Trademark Class 35:

  1. Advertising and Marketing Services:
    • Creating advertising campaigns.
    • Disseminating advertising materials.
    • Market research and analysis.
    • Public relations services.
    • Online advertising services.
  2. Business Management Services:
    • Business administration and management consultancy.
    • Business organization and management.
    • Commercial or industrial management assistance.
    • Data processing and data verification for business purposes.
    • Organization of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes.
  3. Office Functions:
    • Administrative processing of purchase orders.
    • Compilation of statistics.
    • Document reproduction.
    • Office machines and equipment rental.
    • Secretarial services.
  4. Retail and Wholesale Services:
    • Retail store services.
    • Online retail store services.
    • Wholesale store services.
    • Direct mail advertising services.
  5. E-commerce Services:
    • Online marketplace services.
    • Online retail services via a global computer network.
    • Electronic order processing.
  6. Franchising Services:
    • Franchising services, namely, offering technical assistance in the establishment and/or operation of commercial enterprises.
  7. Import-Export Services:
    • Import-export agency services.
    • Procurement services for others.
    • Business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding.

How to Register a Trademark in Class 35:

  1. Identify Your Services: Determine which services from the list above are relevant to your business activities.
  2. Check Availability: Conduct a trademark search to ensure that your proposed trademark is not already registered or similar to existing trademarks in Class 35.
  3. File Application: File a trademark application with the relevant trademark office in your jurisdiction, specifying Class 35 as the class of services.
  4. Provide Details: Include details such as a clear representation of the trademark, a list of services covered under Class 35, and your contact information.
  5. Pay Fees: Pay the required application fees.
  6. Examination and Publication: The trademark office will examine your application for compliance with legal requirements and publish it in the official gazette for opposition purposes.
  7. Opposition Period: During the opposition period, third parties can oppose your trademark application if they believe it infringes on their rights.
  8. Registration: If no opposition is raised or successfully overcome, your trademark will be registered in Class 35, granting you exclusive rights to use it for the specified services.

Tips for Trademark Protection in Class 35:

  1. Use Your Trademark Properly: Use your trademark consistently and prominently in connection with the registered services to establish brand recognition.
  2. Monitor for Infringement: Regularly monitor the market for unauthorized use of your trademark by competitors or third parties.
  3. Enforce Your Rights: Take legal action against infringers to protect your trademark rights and maintain exclusivity in Class 35 services.
  4. Renewal: Keep track of renewal deadlines to ensure continuous protection of your trademark in Class 35.

By understanding the scope of services in Trademark Class 35 and following the steps for registration and protection, businesses can effectively safeguard their brand identity and commercial activities.

Understanding Trademark Class 35

When it comes to protecting your brand in India, understanding Trademark Class 35 is crucial. This class under the Nice Classification system covers a wide range of services related to advertising, business management, and office functions. Whether you’re a startup, a small business, or a multinational corporation, knowing what falls under Class 35 can help you secure your brand identity and commercial activities effectively.

What is Trademark Class 35?

Trademark Class 35 is a classification system used by trademark offices worldwide, including India, to categorize services for trademark registration purposes. In India, the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) oversees trademark registrations, and Class 35 covers services related to:

  1. Advertising and Marketing: This includes services such as creating advertising campaigns, market research, public relations, and online advertising.
  2. Business Management: Services related to business administration, management consultancy, organization of trade fairs, and commercial or industrial management assistance fall under this category.
  3. Office Functions: Administrative services like data processing, document reproduction, office equipment rental, and secretarial services are included in Class 35.
  4. Retail and Wholesale: Services related to retail and wholesale store management, direct mail advertising, and online retail services also fall under this class.
  5. E-commerce: With the rise of e-commerce, services like online marketplace management, electronic order processing, and online retail store services are classified under Class 35.
  6. Franchising and Import-Export: Franchising services, import-export agency services, and business intermediary services for funding purposes are part of this class.

Goods Classified Under Class 35 in India

While Class 35 primarily focuses on services, there are certain goods that are closely associated with these services and are therefore included in this class. In India, the goods classified under Trademark Class 35 include:

  1. Advertising Materials: Such as banners, brochures, promotional merchandise, and signage used in advertising campaigns.
  2. Office Supplies: Including stationery, office machines, equipment, and furniture used in administrative tasks and office functions.
  3. Retail and Wholesale Goods: Products sold in retail and wholesale stores, whether physical or online, such as clothing, electronics, household items, and more.
  4. Trade Fair and Exhibition Materials: Including booths, displays, promotional giveaways, and marketing materials used in trade fairs and exhibitions.
  5. Franchise Materials: Documents, manuals, and promotional materials related to franchising services fall under this category.
  6. Import-Export Documentation: Such as customs forms, shipping documents, and trade agreements related to import-export services.

Goods Excluded from Trademark Class 35 in India

While Class 35 covers a broad range of services and associated goods, certain items are explicitly excluded from this class. Goods that are not included in Trademark Class 35 in India include:

  1. Specific Products: Goods that belong to other trademark classes, such as pharmaceuticals (Class 5), clothing (Class 25), or vehicles (Class 12), are not classified under Class 35.
  2. Industrial Machinery: Machinery used in manufacturing processes or industrial operations is generally classified under different classes based on their specific functions.
  3. Specialized Equipment: Equipment and machinery used in specialized industries like healthcare, aerospace, or construction are not part of Class 35 unless they are directly related to the services listed in this class.
  4. Hazardous Materials: Goods that pose a hazard to health, safety, or the environment, such as chemicals, explosives, or radioactive materials, are excluded from Class 35.

How to Register a Trademark in Class 35 in India

Now that you understand what falls under Trademark Class 35 and which goods are included or excluded, let’s explore how you can register a trademark in Class 35 in India:

  1. Identify Your Services: Determine which services from the Class 35 list are relevant to your business activities.
  2. Trademark Search: Conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure your proposed trademark is available for registration and does not infringe on existing trademarks.
  3. File Trademark Application: Prepare and file a trademark application with the CGPDTM, specifying Class 35 as the class of services.
  4. Provide Details: Include a clear representation of your trademark, a list of services covered under Class 35, and your contact information in the application.
  5. Pay Fees: Pay the required application fees for trademark registration.
  6. Examination and Publication: The CGPDTM will examine your application for compliance with legal requirements and publish it in the trademark journal for public notice.
  7. Opposition Period: During the opposition period, third parties can oppose your trademark application if they believe it infringes on their rights.
  8. Registration: If no opposition is raised or successfully overcome, your trademark will be registered in Class 35, granting you exclusive rights to use it for the specified services in India.

Protecting Your Trademark in Class 35

Once your trademark is registered in Class 35, it’s essential to actively protect and enforce your rights. Here are some tips for trademark protection in India:

  1. Monitor for Infringement: Regularly monitor the market for unauthorized use of your trademark by competitors or third parties. Conduct online searches, monitor trade publications, and stay vigilant.
  2. Enforce Your Rights: If you identify trademark infringement, take prompt legal action to enforce your rights. This may include sending cease and desist letters, filing trademark infringement lawsuits, or seeking mediation.
  3. Use Your Trademark Properly: Use your trademark consistently and prominently in connection with the registered services to establish brand recognition and avoid trademark dilution.
  4. Renewal: Keep track of your trademark renewal deadlines to ensure continuous protection. In India, trademarks are initially registered for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely every ten years thereafter.


Trademark Class 35 in India encompasses a broad range of services related to advertising, business management, and office functions. By understanding what falls under this class, identifying relevant goods and services, and following the trademark registration process, businesses can protect their brand identity and commercial activities effectively. Stay vigilant, enforce your rights, and use your trademark strategically to build a strong brand presence in the marketplace.

Trademark Class 35 in India: Everything You Need to Know

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